Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Seriously extreme knitting!

When the folks over at the amazing lace asked us to be bold, nay brazen in our knitting escapades I was uncertain.

In my experience lace knitting in and of itself is "extreme". The yarnover's, chart reading, general attention that needs to be payed.

As a matter of fact I must admit to a little flutter of joy when I reach the end of a row and all my stitches have matched up perfectly. That little flutter is generally all the excitement I need.

I surprised myself with my willingness to go "extreme" as it were. It all started so innocently. I took my stole with me to take part in world wide knit in public day on Saturday. We ended up at our favorite little veggie burger joint. I knit while I was waiting for our food and I heard something calling to me. A melodic sound of chirps and whistles.

There it was in all it's perfection. The most extreme way I could possibly think of to knit lace...

Driving along at 200mps per hour, throwing caution to the wind, steering with my knees, all while knitting lace!

I know, I know, crazy you say! Insane even! It was all worth it though. The smashing of other drivers cars, cutting full across the track with no regard for the safety of myself or others all for the sake of the lace.

Of course it was probably also the lowest score/shortest race that game has ever seen. I did manage to finish a few rows between the burgers & the race.

This picture is from set 6 of the repeats. Now I'm done with 9, only 25 more to go!!

I'm really enjoying this pattern so much. It was challenging at first but after a few (well....6) false starts it comes so naturally. I feel like I'm "in the zone" where ever "the zone" maybe.

Once you get the feel for the pattern it's like magic. It all comes together so easily the placement of the YO's and k3tog's. It's picture perfect I tell ya!

I feel like I need to slow down & savor every second of the knit. I just don't want it to be over too soon.

With all that love I have a suspicious feeling that I will be gifting some of these this Christmas just so I can knit the pattern up again!

I'm sure no one would mind getting this as a gift!!

you crazy!!
i think the best thing about lace is that completing a row w/out mistakes feels like real progress. looks like yours is going great. can't wait to see it finished!
Lovely, lovely lace. And your extreme lace knitting was great!
that's hysterical. and tres extreme!
ha! i'll have to try that.
I know that flutter. I live for the flutter of finishing a perfect row. I also have no patience for the non-flutter. The lace is looking great!
A woman after my own heart - you have combined two of my loves: knitting and video games! Although I've never been daring enough to do them at the same time.

The lace is looking fabulous! I love feeling that perfect row flutter too.
Wow that is extreme, you are really living on the edge. Great picture.
Thank God it wasn't a real car!
Love your Hanging Vines! I am really enjoying the pattern too. It's actually kind of addictive. Though I don't know if I'd go as far as knitting up a whole bunch for gifts. Maybe one or two for some really special people (preferably fellow knitters).

Can't wait to see how it's looking now!
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